These are few of the books I read and loved in 2020. Since some amount of research went in before picking each book, I went in with expectations which were mostly fulfilled. Biographies are a favourite so Shoe Dog was a clear winner ( yes, even more so than Jobs).
The Netflix book, No Rules Rules, was so counter intuitive, I read with complete disbelief. Will need to read once more.
Bought the vedas and Upanishads for my 6 year old but ended up reading myself. Excellent book and absolutely unputdownable.
But the one thing I learnt about reading preferences this year is if the subject matter excites you, then what separates an eminently readable book from an average one is the font size and readability!!
Billion dollar loser was one such book - finished it in 2 days. After a little R&D , I figured it wasn’t the content of the book so much, it was the font size making it super readable. The opposite end of the spectrum was Jobs, which was a tough read because of the very small font size.
Maybe I am just growing older and need bigger fonts. Here is to learning & growing in 2021.
Do share your book Recommendations.